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Republican Dave McCormick Visits North Philadelphia

(R) Senate Candidate Dave McCormick made a positive impact while visiting North Philadelphia for his campaign run. Friday afternoon Dave arrived on his tour bus and was greeted with smiles and hugs from his supporters. Many from the community were excited to have a conversation with Dave and experience the friendly authentic vibe that Dave often shows to everyone. The media often portrays Republicans as not so friendly, especially if you are a Republican Politician. Dave showed a side of compassion and was engaged with everyone who was accepting of him. Dave made sure to stop for photos, mini interviews and also provided free cheese steaks to the community. Dave McCormick is running against Senator (D) Bob Casey and his plans are to secure the border, lower the cost of living and come to a common ground with Democrats on other critical issues that affect Pennsylvania and our country. Dave also showed his support for Congress Candidate Alfe Goodwin who is running for the 5th district in Pennsylvania. Watch video clips of Dave McCormick's visit in North Philadelphia on my YouTube Channel Del Vann Inspired Media.

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