Tuesday Governor Josh Shapiro addressed his budget proposal for Pennsylvania at the State Capitol. With a whopping $51.5 billion budget Shapiro has his plans mapped out. Increasing taxes for taxpayers and business owners. Ultimately leading to more debt for future generations. Shapiro says “Pennsylvania is on the rise”, while stating 11 billion dollars was invested in public education; targeted to the schools that needed it most. Meanwhile there are still schools with outdated textbooks and little to no computer access in some of the roughest neighborhoods in Pennsylvania. Also 92 million free breakfasts were served to children in school in 2024 claims Shapiro. Shapiro admitted that the way public schools are funded does not work and is unconstitutional. Mental health resources, air conditioning systems and hiring more school teachers are all included in his budget. Teachers have been complaining for years due to not having classroom supplies and they are often under-paid. But Shapiro says that will all change. His plan includes investing in several programs and technology for better advancement within the state.
Let's take a further look into his proposed budget. Shapiro also wants to legalize adult use of cannabis to build revenue in Pennsylvania. Shapiro stated that 60% of Pennsylvanians are traveling to neighboring states to purchase the substance legally. Bringing in marijuana companies into the area is expected to generate $1.3 billion which will be beneficial for the Commonwealth.
Shapiro’s budgets will also go towards building new industrial sites that host factories and power plants. Shapiro also plans on upgrading downtown Pittsburgh insinuating it will be helpful for businesses. The upgrade would include an investment of $60 million which Shapiro says will generate $600 million. Another $60 million for Agriculture Programs to help farmers when natural disasters occur and to help farmers with technology improvements. The budget also includes the repairing and building of new bridges across the state, another $55 million for the recruitment and retention bonuses for child care workers. Millions in state funds would also go to the improvements of rural hospitals and mental health resource programs. (Postpartum depression treatment resources included). Millions will also go into hiring new state workers. Another $50 million for homeowners to repair their outdated homes. $30 million for fire companies to recruit and purchase new equipment. Although Governor Shapiro has an extensive budget plan his goal is to lower housing, healthcare and energy costs.