The Congressional Address held Tuesday was a complete mess, thanks to a few Congress members. President Trump and his administration entered the capitol with excitement and ready to inform not only congress but our country on how progress has been made on the journey to making America Great Again. President Trump was completely transparent and expressed gratitude for everything accomplished thus far.
The Democratic Party entered the capitol with anger and ready to disrupt the second they arrived. Talks of walking out during the President's speech was mentioned before the meeting even began. Texas State Rep Al Green caused heavy disruption to the point he had to be removed from the meeting. Democrats clearly do not want to unite but rather be divided. During the meeting President Trump shared the spotlight with fellow Americans in the audience. Liberal Congress members refused to stand or clap for U.S citizens that were honored or recognized for moments they survived in their life. They were heartless and had no regard for the people who live in this country. They are no longer using their weak policies to fight back, they are instead using their emotions. Liberal Congress members held signs that read 'false", "Musk steals" and other ridiculous slurs. Some of us are wondering where is the proof of these things they speak of. Liberal Congress members continue to call the President offensive names and refuse to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Is this what America wants representing them? I assume these high ranking Liberals have not learned from November's election that their outrageous tactics no longer work. You can find the President Congressional Address linked on my Threads page.